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July 16, 2019
Tokyo, Japan— Sony announced today the continuation of the Sony Research Award Program, which provides U.S. and Canadian universities funding for emerging and innovative technology research programs in collaboration with Sony’s own research groups.
“The Sony Research Award Program gives us the opportunity to partner with some of the most creative minds in academia,” said Toru Katsumoto, Senior Executive Vice President, Officer in charge of R&D, Sony Corporation. “We want to work with whomever is conducting the most innovative research – no matter where that research is taking place.”
“Sometimes, the only thing separating humanity from its next great technological breakthrough is the research funding required to make it reality,” said Mike Fasulo, president and chief operating officer of Sony Electronics. “University engineering students and faculty have always been among the most prolific contributors to the technology industry. Sony is proud to support their pioneering efforts through the Sony Research Award Program.”
Sony’s Research Award Program is comprised of two awards – the Faculty Innovation Award and the Focused Research Award. Both awards may fall within three broad subject categories: Information Technology, Devices & Materials, and Lifesciences and create new opportunities for faculty members to engage in cutting-edge research, leading to the introduction of breakthrough technologies.
“For the past two years, we have had the pleasure of working with Sony as part of its Research Award Program,” said Dr. Aggelos Katsaggelos, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northwestern University. “Our experience with our colleagues at Sony has been terrific. They have been responsive, supportive, and provided excellent guidance on our project. Because of this collaboration, we have been able to develop state-of-the-art technology, present at multiple conferences and publish journal papers.”
“Many technology companies have joined industry initiatives on AI ethics, but Sony has taken the extra step to support independent academic study on that subject,” said Dr. Patrick Lin, Professor of Philosophy and Director for the Ethics & Emerging Sciences Group, California Polytechnic State University. “Not only does this show thought-leadership in ethics, but it’s also a testament to Sony’s commitment to social responsibility.”
The Faculty Innovation Award grants up to USD $100,000 to principal investigators for one year, with the possibility of an extension, for research projects that fall within Sony’s current research interests. This award will help Sony catalyze and expand the creation of new concepts by building on existing research through university partnerships.
The Focused Research Award provides support for up to USD $150,000 for one year, with the possibility of an extension, to conduct research in the areas of Sony’s immediate interest. Through close collaboration with Sony’s own in-house research team, academic faculties can explore new and developing research.
Proposals may be submitted by university principal investigators who can be assistant, associate, or full professors. Objectives, publication, and patents will be mutually agreed upon between the awarded institution and Sony. The deadline to submit applications is September 15, 2019 and award nominees will be notified around March, 2020.