Tokyo, Japan – Sony Corporation (“Sony”) has published its first Corporate Report. This “Corporate Report 2019,” which comprehensively covers both financial and non-financial information about the company, has been made publicly available through Sony’s Investor Relations (IR) website beginning today.

The theme of Sony’s mid-range plan for the current three-year period, which began in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019, is to “generate sustainable social value and maintain a high level of profit,” and to that end the company is emphasizing management from a long-term perspective. One element of this is the “Sustainability Project,” an internal initiative launched in 2018. This project brought together management teams and business units from across Sony Group for in-depth discussions on how Sony can best position itself to build clear value creation stories over the long term. This initiative conducted materiality assessment including discussions with the relevant headquarters functions and consultations with experts from outside the company.

The Corporate Report 2019, which is being published as a result of discussions stemming from the Sustainability Project, newly organizes and lays out Sony’s Purpose as a company, its value creation model, the value created by Sony, its foundations for creating value, and more. Additionally, it clearly demonstrates the relationship between the value generated by Sony Group as a whole through its diverse array of businesses and value creation in the business domains and business models of each individual business, while simultaneously providing an overview of each business’ unique vision, strengths, notable social and technological changes, and strategic direction. The report further provides an introduction to Sony’s corporate governance, which supports management from a long-term perspective, as well as other business foundations that form the basis of value creation including technology and employees.

Through this report, Sony seeks to enhance understanding of the company’s approach to management from a long-term perspective among investors and other stakeholders, while at the same time promoting further dialogue to enhance Sony’s corporate value over the long term. In addition to this report, Sony has also released its “Sustainability Report 2019,” which provides more detailed disclosure of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

Based on its Purpose to “fill the world with emotion, through the power of creativity and technology” and corporate direction of “getting closer to people,” Sony will harness its diversity and realize the kinds of value creation that only it can deliver.
